收录:linux deploy 作者:ccyyxx 绘图:ccyyxx


This blog will introduce about how to install software in linux operateing system(centos series). And I will introduce detail about how to deploy the postgresql 15 and postgis in this blog.

The way to install software in linux offline

  1. You should prepare a linux with the same version which can connect to the internet first.
  2. In Centos series linux, you should download all the .rpm files and all dependcy .rpm files in the server which can access to the internet.
  3. Copy all download .rpm files from the server which can connect to internet to the server which cannot.

The detail way of installing postgresql15 and postgis offline in rhel9

The reason I mention about this because it is an example of how to do it and I have done it recently. The most important reason is that there is no complete .rpm dependecies about it and I will record it, in case someone needs it.

First we should install the .rpm files for postgresql15:

sudo yum localinstall \
postgresql15-libs-15.2-1PGDG.rhel9.x86_64.rpm \
postgresql15-15.2-1PGDG.rhel9.x86_64.rpm \

The code above shows that how to use yum to local install .rpm files.

postgresql 15.2.1 .rpm files download

Next we should install the .rpm files for postgis, here I use the postgis34 version.

To install it you should extract it first and then do the install:

sudo tar -xvzf postgis34.tar.gz \
cd postgis34/rpm_folders \
sudo yum localinstall *.rpm --skip-broken
If you cannot install it properly, maybe the file in the possbile_rpm may work. It is the same way as above to install.

postgis34 rpm files download